Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thoughts on Baudrillard

I have been thinking about Jean Baudrillard a lot today. He is another of the major postmodern philosopher theorists who have really moved my thinking to die in recent years (Derrida, Sontag, and Iser are others). I read Simulacra and Simulation for the first time in the early 1990's but really did not understand it. They sold it at The Black Rose anarchist bookshop in Sydney so it had to be cool.....and it was, but not for the reasons I thought. I had a copy with me for a long time and then when I finally started serious post-grad studies here in Sweden in 2002 I read it again as part of the third term special project. This is when it hit me.
Now he is gone.

Open Lecture given by Jean Baudrillard after his seminar for the students at the European Graduate School in 2004. He was expected to teach his next seminar in April 2007, this time in Paris.

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