Friday, September 26, 2008

Twitter and the Spheres of Life Art and the Other Thing

I have been using Twitter for a couple of months. I have it running while I am writing my thesis, post thoughts, cut and paste sentences from the text, write poetry and of course, watch what others on my contact list are writing.
I think Twitter, which falls within the concept of micro-blogging (as far as I understand) has great potential for art, teaching, group work, business and more.
This morning I can across Gregory Chatonsky’s beautiful work L’attente/The Waiting, an emotive and evocative use of Twitter:

Gregory Chatonsky’s work L’attente/The Waiting (warning, Flash-heavy), part of a series called “Flußgeist”, the “spirit of the flow”, mashes up twitter posts with Flickr photos whose tags match keywords in the tweets, along with an ambient soundtrack (pulling in data from Odeo) and video footage of urban pedestrians waiting at the lights, lost in thought, walking, or just standing around.

I have a Twitter reader on the right hand side of this blog. I have tried to run it from my phone but it has not worked yet. I must be doing something wrong. I will spend more time on setting up mobile Twitter soon. It rocks!

1 comment:

meika said...

still don't get microblogging really, even got everything linked up on, however now that I am using the social fork of firefox,, its beginning to make more sense

btw, have you looked at the zotero bibliographic add-on for firefox (or flock), its free and like 10 years ago such a thing like Endnote would have cost $500, I am amazed by it.

if you're well into you thesithing you may not want to know