Friday, August 04, 2006

Evidence of Change (on a quiet blog)

This Blog July 6th 2006

This Blog 28th September 2004 (from the Wayback Machine)

This is just to show that something is going on here, even if my posting is not really happening at the moment. I am, however, working on several things; a literature review on reader reception in digital narratives, a thesis plan, a workshop for doctoral students researching in digital interaction, and trying to teach my son to swim (46 people have drowned in Sweden so far this year!!). I have also submitted material for a sociology research project in the UK and the SoundLab Interview Project. Plus a track for an upcoming didgeridoo compilation , as well as preparing to lead a discussion in HUMlab (soon) on the new Aspect Vol. 7 DVD; PERSONAS & PERSONALITIES , with great work from Sachiko Hayashi,Lyn Hershman, Cariana and many more.......Yes, I am busy.

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