Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bakhtin on Poets

M. M. Bakhtin by Jan Valentin Saether
(c) 2007 Jan Valentin Saether/BONO (Used with permission).

“The poet is not able to oppose his (sic) own poetic consciousness. His (sic) own intentions to the language that he (sic) uses, for he is completely within it and therefore cannot turn it into an object to be perceived, reflected upon and related to Language is present to him (sic) only from the inside, in the work it does to effect its intention and not from outside, in its objective specificity and boundedness. Within the limits of poetic style, direct unconditional intentionality, language at its full weight and the objective display of language (as a socially and historically limited linguistic reality) are all simultaneous, but incompatible. The unity and singularity of language are the indispensable prerequisites for the realization of the direct (but not objectively typifying) intentional individuality of poetic style and its monologic steadfastness.”
M.M Bakhtin, “Discourse in the Novel” in The Dialogic Imagination (1981) edited by Michael Holquist (Austin; University of Texas press 2002) 286.

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