Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Gradually the mighty spectre of electronic literature avails itself to the wider public gaze...sorry I am reading too much 18th Century literature at the moment...anyway elinor.nu is a new organization devoted to (as you may guess) electronic literature, primarily in the Scandinavian region but not exclusively. There is to be a meeting of those involved and interested in Bergen in conjunction with Sosial og Digital but alas I shall be staying in Umeå for the visit of Howard Rheingold to HUMlab, which promises to be exciting. I am a 'member' perhaps one could say, even 'the representative' in Sweden of ELINOR at this stage but I hope it shall not be so exclusive for too long as the more the merry I believe and the field of electronic literature is just too exciting to ignore.
I am planning a few things for HUMlab as ELINOR activities and I can see I shall be working hard through the winter...yeee Ha!

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