Saturday, December 27, 2003

Christmas is done....the sky is I sit...far away......
The essay.....should I call it a thesis...sounds so up to 12 000 words and holding together in semi-logical sequence (a good sign) have a few more weeks to finish it off. It is entilted:Chronotope and Cybertexts: Bakhtinian Theory for Tracing Sources of Narrative in Interactive Virtual Environments: From Naked Lunch to Fast City
sort of rolls off the tongue....No?
and then there is music....on the 24th of january I will be performng as a support freak for The Spacious Mind (Swe) and Black Forest Black Sea (USSA) as Psychedelic Digeridoo at the Lille Theatre here in Umea------- should be interesting......will be constructing a soundscape centred around recordings I made in India in 1996 along with didgeridoo, effects and perhaps mouth harp. From the 2nd-7th February 2004 I shall be playing with the band LIVJA at the 399th Jokkmokk Sámi Winter market in Lappland. That will be a good time....30 000 people coming togther in the pagan forests of the north of Sweden.
The future looks a bit uncertain at the moment as I am coming to the end of study and will have to look a bit harder if I am to find the Ph.D of my dreams...will begin applying everywhere in january...even Australia!!!!!!!!!
In the meantime there is a CD coming out to coincide with the Spacious Mind concert which I should get to work on now...See ya

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Yesterday I stopped for lunch sometime around midday...not sure with the sun abscent from our northern skies at the moment...Purchased a sandwich and beverage from the outlet and sat down near a window to consume......along came five local swedish flickor (girls)...ranging in age between 17 and 20 I'd say...chatting under the blonde locks....innocence in every eye...they sat around me en masse and continued the non-stop stream of bubbly chat....I tuned into the words...most enlightening...they were speaking about how good it is to eat meat is delicious...grilled horse, can't get enough of the stuff.....I was raised with horses and between birth and the age of 18 I had pretty much daily contact with our equine kin and the thought of eating one frankly turns my stomach.....I equate it with eating my cousin... Nobody but the poorest vagabond eats horse in Australia....these chicks then turned to their planned activities for the evening and it was the general intention with bellies full of horse flesh to proceed to Kafé Blå Kök och Bar where they would find some meat to rub, nibble and suck on for the evening in the form of boys.....these are the days of our lives......Jim

Friday, December 05, 2003

The Blogging revolution continues and with the growth (strange metaphor) of MoBlogging (Mobile Web Logging) I am formulating a plan for next year......I will not reveal it here but it could be a winner as the used to say on wheel of fortune (has anyone seen the fine Australian film Angel Baby...the wheel is sending messages...... The purpose of this occaisional entry.....due to the complete madness of my schedule at the moment (every time I sit next to a computer I have something to do..Charlie Don't Surf) to attach the three cybertexts I am using (and recomending) in my thesis for this term.....and here they are:
1. The Body Politic by Jennifer Ley
2. Fidgit by Kenneth Goldsmith and Clem Paulsen
3. Fast City by Don Boscoe

All will be revealed in this department by the middle of jan 2004...back to work you swine....AAAHHHHHHHHH