Friday, April 04, 2014

The First International Festival of Technoshamanism

The First International Festival of Technoshamanism will take place in Arraial d’Ajuda , Brazil on 23 and 30 April 2014, in the ITAPECO – Institute for Alternative Technology, Permaculture and gardening , along with groups from the Aldeia Velha of pataxós relatives, who will also be bringing their experiences and knowledge to the meeting.
The kickstarter site for the festival is here:

This project arises from a cyber network of Terrans metarecicleiros, submidiáticos , art collectives , ruidocráticos , mechatronics , performers , tactical media , permaculture , and groups involved with technology and ecology, which are engaged in the Struggle for the Earth.

Shamanism asserts its presence as a reference to the peoples of earth and forest , the ancestral knowledge , the link between their ecological and magical technologies .

It asserts its presence as a challenge :

How can we access a different relationship with life outside the field of technological development that is predicated on great devastation and destruction ? How can we propose new forms of technological production that are associated with Health Earth ? How can we expand our rationalistic and exploitative view to a more cosmic, ecological vision ? That other lives are possible beyond consumption and indiscriminate use of resources ? There’s magic in technology ? How can we can use technology to enhance our vision, listening, and experience and transform our communication with biodiversity ?

With discussions , stories , artwork , electronics, sound experiments , methods of communication with other life forms beyond the human , performances , workshops , permaculture , among others , the participants of the First International Festival of Technoshamanism want to be able to meet to deepen their ideas , propose new readings of the current ecological scene and present some possibilities for the future. It is a futuristic and eco event, that loves technology while at the same time ancenstoral knowledge, and wants to find new possibilities for life.

Following the camping, hack lab, free radio, TAZ, tent of cure, debates, workshops and party style, we will be among the ITAPECO permaculture institute and the Cultural house of Aldeia Velha of the Pataxó indigenous people.

An article explaining technoshamanism by the Brazilian writer and scholar Fabiane Borges, originally written as a presentation for Transmediale 2014 is available as a PDF with notes, images, references etc. here


agger said...

The link to the translation of Borges' article is wrong, the text is correct but if you click you go to whic is wrong.

James Barrett said...


I have corrected the link.