Thursday, April 01, 2010

Banned Again From Chatroullette?

I have been using the web based peer to peer video chat system Chatroulette for a couple of months now. Playing music, making performances and conducting actions regarding media critique and the gaze. I have been banned several times for doing this. I do not do anything obscene. In fact it is all just sound and language based.

Tonight I received this message:

"Basically, three people in last 5 minutes didn't like what you have broadcasted and that's why you've lost this game. You've been blocked for 40 minutes."

After repeatedly sending out the Situationist International slogan:

"There is nothing they won't do to raise the standard of boredom"

Here is a shot of me in action and the last reaction I met with before being thrown off the site.

It may be Chatroulette trying to ease the user load on their servers, currently approaching 7 million users (which will probably be overtaken in a day or two).


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Wouldnt it be a aprils fools joke?

    since i have the same :P

  2. I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN DOING NOTHING BUT SITTING HERE TALKING PLEASANTLY TO PEOPLE - I am showing nothing but my face - I kid you not - and I got that message. It makes no sense.

  3. Ahhhh. April fools? I logged in again shortly after and was allowed in so that explanation may be the case. Although I was banned last week for sending out the poem.

  4. I dont think it is April fools. I think it may be Chatroulette trying to lighten the load. It happened again to me today and I was also doing nothing.
