Friday, December 12, 2008

Recommended and Recycled Media from the Web

Another week runs down the cosmic gutter of our dreams. I am so tired but happy. We are approaching the Solstice at a rapid pace and the snow is thick on the ground here. On to the recommended media found by me on the web this week:

abstract hacktivism (PDF Book 66 pages)
In this publication, Otto von Busch describes ”hacktivism” in an abstract sense, relating it to phenomena such as shopdropping, craftivism, fan fiction, liberation theology, and Spanish social movement YOMANGO. Similarly, Karl Palmås examines how publications like Adbusters Magazine, as well as business theorists, have adopted a computer-inspired worldview, linking this development to the boom of the late 1990s.

Nifflas' Games
Two attempts have been made to build a bomb, capable of freezing the entire world. The first was a failure, and resulted in a living blue ball. The second attempt was a success. Now the clock is ticking, and the world is in grave danger. That is, unless...
Within a Deep Forest is a freeware 2D platform game for Windows featuring challenging gameplay, beautiful music, an evil doctor, and a deep forest.

Thug - Electric Woolly Mammoth LP (1988)

Thug's Electric Woolly Mammoth, a noisy Australian post-punk Faust Tapes if ever there was one. This album, the band's second and final LP, is a collection of anarchic hilarity, fuzzy blasts of noise, inspired space-rock trips and the occasional sweet little instrumental, like early Cabaret Voltaire filtered through a devastating outback demolition derby. Though there are two slightly longer, dronier tracks, most of the ideas don't last too long—just long enough to push you on to the next little bit of abuse, the sonic equivalent of that spinning scene from Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment.

Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free | Open Culture
Hundreds of audio books for free download.

Podcasts - Learn at Any Time - The Open University
Enormous collection of free podcasts, Arts, Business, Computing, Education, Engineering, Languages, Law. Who needs a classroom?

Salifu Titah’s Band - Babu Me-Ee-Say Ala « Excavated Shellac
Approximately 24 million people in Africa now speak the Hausa language, from Western Africa across the continent to Eritrea. However, it’s in northern Nigeria and the country of Niger where you’ll find the majority of speakers. It is an Afro-Asiatic language, which means it’s in the same general family as Berber languages and the Arabic of Egypt - languages spoken in the northern part of the continent. It can be written in an Arabic script, known as Ajami.
Which brings us to this Hausa recording, made for HMV and on the TM series. The guitars show an influence of West African pop, but the voices sound real and unpolished. The singers are accompanied by two (?) guitars, drum, and percussion (perhaps a bottle). Alas, I could find no information on Salifu Titah.

Rickdog's collected 6,000+ mp3blog links, accessible from the alpha menu at page top. You can open frames on these blogs to view them directly on my site, and you can also view the feeds in a frame.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Something to help get through the suggestion list :-)

