Monday, February 11, 2008

Ian Bogost Seminar in HUMlab (Streamed Live)

Tomorrow in HUMlab (under the UB library, Umeå University):
12 February 2008 at 10:00 (CET)
Platform Studies, Creative Computing and Constraint: the Atari VCS (1977) and beyond
with Ian Bogost (Assistant Professor at The Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Literature Communication and Culture)

I have just read three chapters of Mr. Bogost's Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism (May 2006) and I am really enjoying its mix of philosophy, critical and tech theory, literary and cultural approaches to video games. I look forward to meeting Ian and listening to his seminar tomorrow. If you are not within reach of HUMlab during the seminar it will be streamed live over the net and there will be a Skype channel open to ask questions of make comments. The details for the stream and Skype will be posted on the HUMlab blog just before the seminar.

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