Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Does it Get any More Real Than This?

If anyone doubts that shared online worlds like Second Life and the world we share here in Real Life are not blending, check out these two videos:

The Second Life video seems to pay more attention to traditional concepts associated with the ritual of a wedding (church, heterosexual, christian, vows, and so on) than the Real Life ritual does. Could it be that we will come in future years to preserve our traditions in high resolution immersive media, while in real life we live out our desires and identities according to our own particular preferences and beliefs? The holodeck of Startrack will come to be where we preserve our ideals in a sort of laboratory of "Truth" and the mission of the starship (our real bodies) is to find out who we are becoming rather than who we once perhaps were or could be......


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    hey jimmi...this article is all over the news here in oz .... thought you might be interested.

  2. Yes, I have heard about this:

    "Virtual reality world Second Life has become a hub for pedophiles where users can have sex with child characters, authorities warn."

    It is already an offence in most European countries to create a child character in an online world for sexual purposes as it comes under the classification of child pornography- It is only a matter of time before Australia catches up with the rest of the world. The next headline in Australian papers will be about how people are earning money in Second Life and not paying tax.

  3. Thanks for the tip...I suspect anonymous could be Eon but I am not sure....
