Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Week Ahead

Although tomorrow is another holiday (not sure what exactly but part of the Easter thing) I have a busy week ahead of me. First there is the slowly coming together chapter, now simply titled; The Preface and Implied Respondent of the Digital Text (Ill think of something better when I do the rewrite after the seminar). The chapter will be a constant activity up until the 17th (Deadline). Then there is the visit by Steina Vasulka to HUMlab on Tuesday and Wednesday:

Steina will be giving a seminar in HUMlab on Tuesday 11 April at 15:00 with the title The Artist and Her Tools with a possible performance of Violin Power as well (yes please…). The seminar will be live streamed as is usual for HUMlab and will be
available from HERE
a few minutes before the given seminar time. (from the HUMlab blog)

Then on Thursday I will be giving a short course in Copyright Creativity and Commons....9am in HUMlab:

This short course introduces some of the basic structures of international copyright regulations and practices. How can the creative digital individual use the technology available today and still live within the present system of law?
One way to do this it the Creative Commons (CC) system of licences. What are they and how do they work? Finally, the Remix/Mash-up phenomenon is fast becoming a part of mainstream cultural production. What is it? How does it work? What does it mean for media in the future?By looking at both academic sources and practical examples, including some of the tools used, we will spend three hours exploring Copyright, Commons and Creativity. Kursen hålls på engelska men det går utmärkt att ställa frågor på svenska.
Register HERE.

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