Monday, June 27, 2005

I am in Print!!

It seems that by the end of this summer I will be again a published poet. This is something I lived for ten years ago, but then when I started spending a lot of time in countries where few people spoke English I decided music was a much better way to communicate. I still think there is a lot of truth in this. I have always been writing poetry and other forms of word arrangment but have not been thinking so much about publishing it.

But recently I sent some recent poems to the very cool people at Digitalis Industries and they kindly chose to include one in "Pine Meoquanee":

"...the first annual digitalis anthology of works with multiple writers. Contributors include musician friends of digitalis (keith wood, james blackshaw, christina carter, michael donnelly, james barrett, michael anderson, robert horton, and spencer grady)..."

"Meoquanee" is from the Chippewa language and means "wears red". I am james (which means "One who supplants" from Hebrew), michael is based here and I've known the dude for years and christina is famous and I met her last year. The others I do not know directly but Keith Wood is from Hush Arbors and james blackshaw is james blackshaw . michael anderson runs BlueSanct recordings and plays in (or maybe is) Drekka. Robert Horton has made Angel Humming Through A Wire, which sound pretty interesting and Spencer Grady is in Rameses the Third.
How was that for a brief tour of the luxuriant undergrowth of wild creative endeavors that is Foxy Digitalis and associated wonders. Many thanks to Brad and Eden.

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